$5 Writing Lesson

Or, a hands-on tutorial on how to write 500 words without sounding stupid.

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$5.00 USD

Spoiler alert

Your writing sounds stupid because you’re not giving it room to breathe. You’re rejecting it as soon as it’s born.

I almost feel bad for it, but we both know it’s you who’s suffering, not your writing.

Let’s give your writing what it needs

In this lesson, you’re not going to edit. That’s because editing comes later. Right now, you’re writing. You’re mining raw material out of which a sculpture will be formed.

You’ll choose a topic that calls to you on the deepest level, and you’ll write 500 words on that topic.

No excuses. No “writer’s block”. No planning it out for 6 months before writing a single word (on a topic you supposedly think you’re qualified enough to write about? Come on, that makes no sense. Why would you need to think so hard just to get started?)

Oh, and it doesn’t matter if other people like your writing. That’s not what we’re worried about here.

This is about making magic.

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$5.00 USD

About me

Hi, I’m Michael. I write a lot of stuff, including this sales page. Check me out on Instagram (@no.michael.here), where I post about meditation and creativity and what it’s like being an evil coach.
