Category: Social Media
Rules for Comments
I want my comment section to be fun for you to read and fun for me to reply to. I want it to be a world where communication happens the way I want it to happen. This isn’t a democracy and I’m not an authority figure. I’m just another human being like you. But this…
I Just Love Invalidating Innocent OPs
In an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy group on Facebook, somebody asked: “How do I persuade my mind that something isn’t really a threat?” My reply: “Easy. Just expose yourself to the thing you’re afraid of and learn from experience that it’s not a threat.” This was denounced as invalidating, glib, “a command”, and I was accused of…
How I KICKED and SPIT ON J.S. Bach’s Dead Body and DESTROYED His Reputation
A couple years ago, I wrote a blog post about music theory. I analyzed a Bach Invention and included a video demonstration. I was reluctant to post the videos, and for good reason: the classical music world is full of elitist snobs (listen to my podcast episode “Why I Hate Piano Teachers“). I had to…