How to play piano with both hands

The secret to playing piano with both hands is to stop trying to do two things simultaneously. Just do one thing at a time and you’ll be fine.

If you want to get good at this, I made a YouTube playlist (“Both Hands”) on the topic.

To venture deeper into my cult, check out the Basic Hand Coordination Exercise.

Videos in the playlist:

  1. How to rub your stomach and pat your head at the same time (master’s level piano secrets)
  2. Homework problem for playing with both hands at the same time
  3. FIX YOUR THINKING: Both hands ALWAYS do the same rhythm
  4. There’s no such thing as a “polyrhythm” (addressing an objection in the comments)
  5. How to Play River Flows in You with BOTH Hands
  6. How to play with both hands on piano (homework problem for River Flows in You)
  7. The ONLY right way to play Moonlight Sonata (demonstration of doing one thing at a time)
  8. Use a METRONOME to play piano with both hands at the same time (Bach)
  9. Don’t Believe the Hype: Golden Hour is Totally Doable, Even with Two Hands!
  10. How to Play Golden Hour like an EXPERT (hint: see the bigger picture)
  11. Prelude in C is easy when you play ONE CHORD AT A TIME
  12. Why You Sound Like a Beginner (it’s because you’re trying to do too many things at once)
  13. The ONLY right way to play Clair de Lune (demonstration of doing one thing at a time)
  14. I’m a master of Clair de Lune. It’s lonely at the top 😢 (use boundaries to do ONE THING AT A TIME)
  15. Even FUGUES are easy when you do one thing at a time


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