Tag: daily

  • Wobbly Walking

    As an adult learning a new skill (e.g., piano playing), you might move your body in ways that are hesitant and uncertain. You may say “Well, this is to be expected. After all, I’m just learning. Eventually, when I know what I’m doing, I will become confident and the way I move will become secure.”…

  • Why Should I Practice the Piano?

    Why should I practice the piano… …if I’m never going to be great? …if I’m never going to make money from playing? …if I have more important things to do? …if I don’t love performing? …if there are dozens of people on YouTube who play better than I do? …if I’m too old? Do you…

  • Sitting With Discomfort

    The mind has a funny way of pulling our attention away from what’s most important. If our piano playing is going great, it might say “practicing is so much fun” or “I’m so glad I can play this well.” When that happens, it’s normal to want to continue doing what we’re doing. On the other…

  • Stop Trying to Play Better

    It is not your responsibility to play better. If you knew how to do that, you would be doing it already. Are you not already doing the best you can do? Why do you expect more? So, what’s the alternative to this mindset? The way you play is a direct result of how you practice.…

  • Is My Piano Playing Good or Bad?

    “Is my piano playing good or bad?” If you’re asking this question, you should already know the answer to it. You are the one playing, not me. Do you like the results you’re getting? If so, what more do you want? If not, great. Now you have an opportunity to improve something. Stop asking other…

  • A New Way of Looking at Piano Practice

    A pianist posted a video in an online forum, along with the question “Am I doing this right?” I spent a few minutes trying to decipher the motivations behind this post. I began suspecting that this pianist did not look at the world the same way I did. But, I can’t blame them. After all,…
