Category: Mindfulness

  • How do I play the piano without messing up?

    It is very natural to want to play without messing up. Let me ask a different question, though: As a musician, how often do you take a stance of acceptance towards yourself? I see in my students and colleagues (and certainly myself) constant battles, efforts at correcting or running away from our faults. What if…

  • What your strict piano teacher might be missing

      All one has to do is hit the right keys at the right time and the instrument plays itself. — J.S. Bach We all know that you’re supposed to play classical music right. After all, there are just so many things to get wrong, aren’t there? Wrong notes, wrong rhythms, wrong dynamics, wrong phrasing,…

  • Why you think piano is hard

    Here’s a challenge for you: can you just let go of your difficulties? Maybe you say letting go is not hard enough. You say it’s too easy to let go; what you really need is to hold on, to challenge yourself, to get it right, to learn. You’re playing the piano, and you feel stress…
