Category: Podcast

  • Episode 5: This Podcast is a MIstake

    Episode 5: This Podcast is a MIstake

    Let’s talk about mistakes. Those awful, horrible, rotten things. You know you’re not supposed to make them. Are you allowed to at least talk about them? Let’s find out. If you give me a hard time about something, I’ll give you a free ticket to the fun house. The name is misleading. It’s more fun…

  • Episode 4: Why I Hate Piano Teachers

    Episode 4: Why I Hate Piano Teachers

    When you are suffering,  when you are in pain,  when you’re unhappy about something, you should be allowed to say something. That’s just how it should be. In this episode, I want to talk about piano teachers. Specifically, I want to talk about something that’s been happening recently. I’m not going to go into too…

  • Episode 3: Seventy Minus Nineteen
  • Episode 2: Stop Setting Boundaries

    Episode 2: Stop Setting Boundaries

    Transcript When you’re in the Victim mentality, you might be tempted to use boundaries as weapons against your friends. Bad idea. Today, I’m going to talk about boundaries. Psychological boundaries. This is a continuation of what I was talking about in the last episode, dealing with the Drama Triangle and the Empowerment Dynamic. How do…

  • Episode 1: The Drama Triangle

    Episode 1: The Drama Triangle

     This is the first episode of my podcast, Self-Defined Human. Let’s see where we go from here. Stop being a Victim. Be a Creator instead. Learn about the Drama Triangle vs. the Empowerment Dynamic. Two radically different paradigms for viewing your role in the world. The Drama Triangle comes from Stephen Karpman. The Empowerment…
