Here’s a challenge for you: can you just let go of your difficulties?
Maybe you say letting go is not hard enough. You say it’s too easy to let go; what you really need is to hold on, to challenge yourself, to get it right, to learn.
You’re playing the piano, and you feel stress creeping up. Your shoulders tense, your jaw clenches, and you start freaking out about what’s coming next. You say piano is hard, but could you just let it go?
This sounds like a question you’ve probably heard a million times in the past. Of course, the common advice is to simply relax, take it easy, focus, breathe, etc. You’ve heard it all before.
It will be easier, you will have less stress, it will feel better, it will be more fun. Right? Then why don’t you do it?
Maybe you try, but it doesn’t work. You stay relaxed in the places where the music is simple, the spots you know well…and then something comes up and the tension is suddenly back again (doesn’t seem so easy, does it?).
Or maybe you manage to do it for a moment, but your playing is worse as a result. Your articulation is sloppy, you miss notes, etc. You’re not going to let that happen again, are you?
So the tension and stress continue forever.
You always try to play well…that comes so easily to you…it’s second nature, isn’t it? How can that be the hard way?
Maybe the hard way is letting go.
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