Category: Email Archives

  • You are perfect

    You are totally broken, and yet you are also totally perfect. This is a paradox. But, you should consider it carefully, because it's reality. You're broken for the obvious reasons. You aren't good enough, you aren't smart enough, not enough people like you, you aren't talented enough, you aren't disciplined enough, you haven't achieved enough.…

  • Stop dwelling in the past

    Stop dwelling in the past. You live now, not then. The person you were no longer exists. No need to hang on. The decisions you made in the past are already made. You can’t change them. I have no regrets anymore. I used to have them. I’m sure a lot of you have regrets. But,…

  • You’re allowed to be skeptical

    Are you skeptical about meditation and mindfulness? It doesn’t seem very scientific to you? You don’t get what the big deal is? Fine. It doesn’t have to make sense to you. It will work whether you believe in it or not. I certainly don’t want you thinking that I’m trying to convince you of anything.…

  • Self-discipline is overrated

    Self-discipline is overrated. You don’t need that. Come on. Just accept where you are. You don’t want to do the thing. Why are you forcing yourself to do it if you don’t want to do it? Is that fun? It’s certainly not fun for me to listen to that. To listen to you complain about…

  • Put this article down

    Don’t make me come after you. You can’t just sit and read about things. You have to actually do them. That’s the only way you will learn. By doing. Stop trying to take so much responsibility for the process. You were taught to do that in school, but it’s wrong. You will learn whether you…

  • Rules of conduct

    Here are the rules for being in my circle: Don’t act like a victim. Don’t treat me like a persecutor. Don’t try to teach me. If we’re friends, you can do anything you want. But, professionally, here, I’m the teacher. I know that’s condescending. However, this is my boundary. If you break any of the…
