Why Your Mind is LYING to You About Anxiety and Stress and How to See Through the Illusion
See for yourself how to bypass the matrix by signing up for the guided meditation and daily email tips (well, actually it's an email-based meditation cult, but let's not quibble over details, shall we?)

Michael Korman
INTP · Karmic trash collector · Anti-meditation teacher · Deviant piano teacher · Social media "influencer"

Use the button below to sign up for your (free) guided meditation.
Go to the website and read dangerous ideas about meditation, piano, yoga, drawing, and practicing.
What They're Saying:
Before you react...
Listen. Michael is a human deeply interested in you listening to yourself. He will get your goat, then capture your heart.
Tabitha Brooke
Michael is one of the few people
I see talking about meditation in an interesting way. I don't know him enough to say for sure yet, but I'm fairly confident that he Gets It.
Ryan Orrico

Use the button below to sign up for your (free) guided meditation.
Go to the website and read dangerous information about meditation, piano, yoga, drawing, and practicing.
Just Leave Your Primary Email Address and You'll Learn:

Use the button below to sign up for your (free) guided meditation.
Go to the website and read dangerous information about meditation, piano, yoga, drawing, and practicing.