Speaker: Blake Abramovitz
#29 – When Insight Strikes, with Blake Shields Abramovitz
Blake Shields Abramovitz is a meditation teacher and an actor, and this is a followup to our conversation from October of 2020, which you can hear in Episode 7: When Meditators Get Cancelled. In this episode, we talk about piano playing, awakening, multiple selves, what happens as you go down the path of insight, psychedelics,…
#7 – When Meditators Get Cancelled, with Blake Shields Abramovitz
Blake Shields Abramovitz is a meditation and yoga teacher in Los Angeles, as well as an actor. Today, we’ll be talking about the dark side of the meditation world, how Blake was canceled, the role of authenticity in meditation, the first 2020 US Presidential Debate, and many other topics.