Tag: cp meditation

  • Instagram boddhisatvas

    The boddhisatva vow is about not letting yourself get enlightened until others are enlightened first. I bet the guy who came up with this concept was obsessing over the same problems I obsess over. When you have an urge to share something, you find that you can also opt to embody it instead. But then…

  • Why You Don’t Need to Argue with Your Mind

    Every time you complain about anything, it’s because you have a problem just sitting. Try it. Seriously. Just sit and see what comes up. Someone left this comment on one of the lessons of my No Problem meditation course. “The problem is not, not being able to just sit. The problem is the guilt tripping that has been…

  • Why it’s good to be angry

    Why it’s good to be angry

    Come on, I want to see you get angry. I want to see you get obnoxious. We need more obnoxious people. People are too tame. Everyone wants to agree all the time. Agreement doesn’t get you anywhere. Especially when you’re upset about something! This is the creative force within you. Stop ignoring it. It has…

  • I don’t understand why I should meditate everyday

    I got a question: “Why should I meditate everyday?” Good question, thanks for asking. You should meditate everyday because, if you don’t, you will suck at meditation. It’s a skill that takes practice. It’s not something you do once and then you’re done. You must spend many hours on it. Let’s make it concrete. There’s…

  • I believe in you

    I’m sitting here drinking tea. It’s Bengal Spice. This is a tea that I drank at meditation retreats, and it reminds me of being there. I haven’t done a retreat for almost two years. Of course, this whole past year has been almost like a retreat. A long, stressful retreat. I almost did a solo…

  • KorMeditation: Frequently Asked Questions

    KorMeditation: Frequently Asked Questions

    I’m not disciplined. Can I still meditate? Yes, you can. Meditation teaches you discipline. It doesn’t require discipline. I used to think I couldn’t meditate because I wasn’t disciplined. I kept trying to meditate, but it never stuck. One day, I noticed that I had a ton of thoughts and sensations all wrapped up in the story I was…
