
What is Michael?

Michael is about radical acceptance of reality. Negative emotions, negative self-talk, shame, guilt, and all other mental content are totally fine. They welcomed and enjoyed.

Toxic positivity is rejected. We’re allowed to complain when we’re upset about something, even if it brings other people down. After all, they’re allowed to complain, too.

Culture has taught us to believe we’re all separate, and there’s not enough. In reality, we’re all connected, and there’s plenty for everyone. To realize this, we should be aware that each person acts according to their own needs and feelings. This is how communication should work.

Michael is anti-culture. Social norms and language are the devil. They hold people back, and are responsible for untold amounts of suffering. We work to dismantle these. Don’t believe everything you think.

Michael is not about making people feel loved and accepted. He is about hating those who are evil, even if they didn’t intend to do evil. Trauma in the present is caused by the behavior of teachers, friends, and parents in the past.

Michael is not interested in provided a trauma-informed safe space. Instead, he is provocative, knowing that everyone benefits from being triggered. He attracts negativity, and processes it as a form of karmic trash collection. People call Michael a psychopath when they don’t know how to express their own feelings and needs. In response, Michael calls himself an awakened psychopath.

Skills are acquired through experiential learning. The mind and the body are the same. There is no free will. If you want to improve at something, you should train yourself like a rat. This is radical behaviorism.

This is about anti-perfectionism in all endeavors. Everything is seen as a practice. This is true in art, music, meditation, yoga, communication, and every other area of life.

Michael is an arrogant narcissist. He loves himself and the things he Creates. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t be motivated to Create or share his Creations. You should adopt the same attitude for yourself.

You are a Creator. You have the right to make art. You have the right to view your life as practice. When you were a kid, life was play, but then you stopped. Now, it’s time to resume that important work.

The Self-Defined Musician Manifesto

I am a self-defined musician.
I am walking my own path.
I seek to understand myself.
I work to accept myself for who I am.
I have uncompromising dreams.
I know that music is natural for all human beings.
I am afraid. I am uncertain. I am a failure.
And I walk on.
Because I make the rules.
