Category: Email Archives
Some relationship advice for you
We all tell stories. Stories about ourselves, and stories about each other. Those stories are not true or false. They're just stories. “WHAT??? Of course they can be true or false!” Sure, but that's not why you tell them. The only reason you tell a story is that it serves you to tell it. It's OK…
Why I don’t talk about piano anymore
When I started this mailing list, it was for people who wanted to get better at playing the piano 🎹. (It wasn't even a cult back then.) Since then, it has changed into something different. Something broader than that. Lots of people have left, probably because they were expecting me to continue writing about piano forever 🙄. But the…
You should feel guilty if you don’t open this email
I've got a video for you. It's about guilt. I know you feel guilt. We all do. We're taught to feel it. We're taught to hate ourselves when there's a chance we might be doing something wrong. What are you going to do about that? Do you enjoy hating yourself? The problem isn't the feeling…
My name’s Michael, and I’m a procrastinator
I never did my homework in school. Maybe a few times, but only a few. Why didn't I? Because I'm a lazy, underachieving procrastinator. Shouldn't that be obvious? (and you wonder why adults have self-esteem issues) Even now, it's hard for me to do homework. I don't think the name-calling helped much, unfortunately. Maybe I should write…
Let’s explore something here
Objective perspectives can be liberating. When we get stuck in our own worlds, our thinking gets boxed in and we miss seeing the bigger picture. I didn’t speak much in Spanish class in high school. “¡Más fuerte, Miguel!” That’s what I heard, every day. I hated it. Foreign language classes are great for the talkative kids. Not…
Here’s an easy way to make 10 dollars
I posted this on Instagram: “They’re not reacting to YOU. They’re reacting to their IMAGE of you.” A couple of weeks ago, I was walking down the street and I was approached by a guy who I assume was homeless. He asked me if I had $5. No, I didn’t. I almost never carry cash…