Category: Email Archives
There are two types of musicians
Piano teachers can be pretty set in their ways, and a lot of them are having a very hard time right now. I see them complaining on Facebook, wondering how to teach lessons online. They have no experience with this. They don’t know what kind of webcam to use, what kind of microphone to use, what software…
What you don’t understand about your body
OK, I didn’t get as many unsubscribes as I was hoping for. I got a couple, and then after a lengthy exchange with someone, I rage-unsubscribed them, and then undid it later on. This is good, though, because I need to be more honest with you all. Not about something specific, but just in general.…
I hope I offended you
The email I sent out yesterday caused 5% of my mailing list to unsubscribe. That’s a new record for me! Go read it if you haven’t already…maybe you can join them. Seriously, I want you to unsubscribe. Let me explain this, because it’s really important to me. I want to be able to speak openly with you. To be…
Life sucks
A lot of musicians are unhappy right now. Personally, I’m enjoying the break. But, if you are unhappy, you are allowed to complain. You might also feel guilty about the past, about all the times you did complain, about all the times you took for granted what we don’t have right now. You were allowed…
Stop doing the right thing
Sometimes you just have to do the opposite of what you’re supposed to do. I began studying singing in high school, and it always felt too difficult for me. I just couldn’t make it work, and I was so incredibly envious of those who could. I studied with several teachers, and wasn’t making the progress…
You Don’t Need a Piano Teacher
You don’t need a piano teacher. I have learned classical guitar, calligraphy, and drawing on my own, without a teacher. There’s no reason piano should be any different. Yeah, I’ve taken piano lessons, so I can never claim to be completely self-taught on piano, but still, I’ve learned a lot of piano on my own…