Creating Moods
Play relaxing background music without taking months of piano lessons.
Cost: $400 USD
Hey, I heard you want to play soothing piano music for your guests
Sure, you could turn on Spotify, but wouldn’t it be cool to do it the legit way, with your own two hands?
There’s one problem: you don’t play the piano.
Meanwhile, in the living room, the piano's collecting dust like a piece of furniture.
Every time you walk by, you imagine yourself at the keys, your entranced guests sipping wine .
Why's it so hard to play simple stuff on the piano?
It's because of how piano teachers think.
If you wanted to play at a high level (think Juilliard student), you’d have to train for years under strict guidance. You'd be practicing 4-8 hours per day. That’s like being an Olympic athlete and it’s not for the faint of heart.
Piano teachers come from this environment. Even when they teach amateurs, they have those expectations in the back of their minds. To them, that’s what “learning piano” means.
Your goal is to create moods.
No, you’re not going to set Olympic world records, but that’s OK because your friends aren’t looking for that. They want to enjoy the music. Your friends aren't comparing you to others, the way piano teachers do. They’re not scheming about what it will take to get you to defeat your competitors.
No, your audience (normal people who want to enjoy music) doesn’t give a damn about any of that. So, we won’t either. We’ll focus only on what you need right now.
And the good news is that learning to create moods doesn’t have to take long.
How the program works
I expect a high level of attention to detail. In school, you were graded by the teacher. But in this course, you're going to grade yourself.
Sit down and play at a moment's notice
You’re going to learn a handful of tricks that are easy and sound good. They’re flexible, so you can adapt them based on how much time you need to fill or what kind of mood you want to create.
You don’t need months of piano lessons right now. My ADHD brain prefers to hyperfocus and work in short bursts of energy. That’s good for you too, because you’ll be able to move on with your life quicker. The lessons are concentrated and train you on a deep level. I know you don’t want to waste time on theory, and you don’t want to get discouraged and quit.
By the end, you’ll be able to invite friends (and enemies) over and entertain them with relaxing piano music.
This is for beginners. You need a piano or keyboard, but you don’t need to know anything about how to play it. You only have to be willing to follow orders and put your ego in the trash.
Quit whining and start playing
Sure, you could have done this earlier in your life, or earlier in the pandemic, or whatever.
It's not too late.
No time like the present.
Cost: $400 USD
I will force you to develop your artistic side
This is for you if you want to inspire others by creating atmospheric moods.
To be clear, this is NOT for you if you’re an experienced pianist. It’s also NOT for you if you don’t have a piano or keyboard.
Course Requirements:
Case Study
Rosalyn loves listening to soothing piano music on Spotify and hoped to play for her guests. She’d bought a beautiful Roland digital grand piano and worked through 3 lessons of a popular app. But, she found it exhausting.
I assigned her a short song to start off with (Dark Ocean). After working on it for a bit, she said she was worried because hers didn't sound like mine. I encouraged her to stop being a perfectionist and send me the video. When I watched it, I realized what the problem was. She was playing it right, but had her hands on the wrong spot on the piano. She quickly fixed it.
Once she fixed it, I sent the video to a piano teacher friend and his reply was “That sounds good already. They could do background music gigs.”

I was trying to learn piano following an app which was going through a very basic set of standards and at a very slow pace. When I saw Michael’s piano lessons on instagram, it seemed easy enough to follow and you could play something without spending months of following the app so I gave it a try and sure enough, his teaching style was great and his timely follow ups helped me stay on track. I feel more confident that with practice, I can play a few good songs for friends and fam. Soon. Michael’s style is practical and if your style is to learn by doing and not reading the rules and also you are committed to practice daily, he is a great instructor for you. I highly recommend him. He asked me “what do you wanna play and what’s your goal?” The answer came really quick to me and I said a soft piano song so I could play for my guests. The good thing is that I can play that now.
He is always available to answer questions and encourage you to be better.