Category: Email Archives

  • Ten tips for learning any skill

    Here are ten tips for practicing any skill: Allow yourself to make mistakes. Use a timer. Practice even when you don’t feel like it. Record and share your practice sessions. Aim for quantity, not quality. Focus on bodily sensations while practicing, not on the work you’re doing. Identify what you’re afraid of, and practice that. Always be…

  • When I go viral, you can say you knew me back then

    I’ve been inspired to create memes. You know, those stupid images with captions that tell some kind of story or express some emotion or whatever. I like the idea of taking a popular meme and reusing it to say something else. “Memejacking”, I guess it’s called. (I spent some time this morning researching memes, and…

  • I may seem normal now, but I used to be weird.

    When I was in high school, I attracted some interesting attention. My best friend and I liked to talk about science. He was loud. 💣 One day, we were chatting about nuclear bombs during lunch. You know, the usual stuff: how they work, how to build them, etc. The vice-principal approached us and began his investigation.…

  • I hope my personality doesn’t change

    I have a big announcement. . . . . . . . . . I finally got a haircut (after 6 months) 😲 It was originally scheduled for April 21, but it got postponed… Don’t worry, it’s not much shorter than it was yesterday. Only a tiny bit. It’s been quite an adventure, having longer hair…

  • Are you feeling stuck?

    Here are three things about anxiety disorders: The problem is always avoidance. The solution is always exposure. Everything you complain about is the result of an anxiety disorder. WHAT???? 😲 Sorry, I always forget to put the trigger warning at the beginning of the email. Damn it. 🤦‍♂️ OK, consider yourself warned (retroactively). You feel stuck because you're acting stuck. You're acting stuck because you're afraid of moving.…

  • Stop complaining and just deal with it

    Radical acceptance means you accept things radically. All the way. You don’t fight back. If you’re turned off by the word “acceptance”, it’s probably because you think I’m telling you to be happy  with the things you don’t like. As in, “stop complaining and just accept it”.  No, that’s not what I’m saying. “Acceptance” means you stop fighting. You…
