Category: Email Archives

  • I don’t like serious music, anyway

    Tom Lehrer is mathematician who wrote a bunch of satirical songs back in the 50s and 60s. Towards the end of October, he put all of his songs into the public domain. This means that anyone can use them for any purpose whatsoever without anyone's permission and without paying anything. This is fantastic news and more songwriters…

  • Earbuds are running my whole life now

    I need some new earbuds. The ones I have are broken. I mean, they do work. But the little rubber thing that fits on the end of the left one has a big tear in it. So, it's only a matter of time before they're unusable. They're really cheap. I don't want expensive earbuds. One time,…

  • Who ever invented tipping, anyway?

    I'm told I should tell more stories. I actually have a ton of potential material for stories. Lots of interesting things have happened to me in my life. For example, right now I'm in a cafe, having just ordered a cup of water (and food too). The cashier asked me if I wanted ice in…

  • Don’t overthink this one, unless you’re an underthinker

    I only had one slice of toast for breakfast. I haven't eaten anything since then. That's all the food I have (well, not literally ALL the food I have, but it's everything I would eat for breakfast.) I need to go get more food now. But what will I get??? The truth is that this…

  • Oops…I made a mistake…

    You might have gotten an email from me today with a subject like “Welcome 2/5”. If so, that was a mistake. I was working on a draft, and didn't mean to send it. Now, I'm too embarrassed to look at the email to see what I may or may not have sent out accidentally. Let it…

  • How often should I meditate?

    I got this question in response to my email yesterday about the meditation timer: “This might be a dumb question so feel free to roast me. Do you recommend any particular schedule for starting out? Every day? Once a week? Whatever you want? As often as possible?” To which I replied: “Once a day, idiot.” Meditation…
